Category Archives: Blacks

Is NASA Too Old & Pale?

Comments: Former NASA head administrator Dan Golden:”NASA is too Male…Pale and Old”…. Does Dan Golden believe that Israel’s Space Program is to Jewish….Male…Pale…and Old? * The gods on Mt. Olympus gave [Hillary] the most brilliant political mind of her generation … Continue reading

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Blacks Didn’t Turn Out For Hillary

The most significant election news I saw on the morning of November 8 was that black turnout was low. Comments at Steve Sailer: * The downside of relentless racial identity conditioning of Blacks cost Hillary the election. Trump pulled in … Continue reading

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Study Finds Racial Discrimination by Uber and Lyft Drivers

The sharing economy only works in an atmosphere of high social trust. In other words, it only works with people who are honest, law-abiding, and responsible, which large parts of America are not. As long as you have racially distinct … Continue reading

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Law & Order

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I don’t watch television, but my mom loves all of the L&O shows. She says realistic portrayal is boring; she doesn’t want to watch another ’48 Hours’. * Typical black crime couldn’t hold a viewer’s … Continue reading

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Who’s Racist?

Linh Dinh writes: Over three days last week, at least 150 blacks attacked whites at random around TempleUniversity. Victims were surrounded, punched and kicked. Wallets and phones were stolen. Rocks were thrown at passing cars. When cops showed up, one … Continue reading

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