Category Archives: Blacks

Adrian Peterson and America’s Multiple Partner Problem

The article never mentions race. As with many social pathologies, the problem it addresses is most acute in black life and least acute among East-Asians. Fundamentally, I blame white racism. Essay: Decades of research has consistently demonstrated that the safest … Continue reading

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Ethiopians Struggle In Israel

Once you understand that the average Israeli Ethiopian IQ is around 63, all their problems become clear. Life is hard for almost everyone with IQs under 90. Ethiopian Jews are not Jewish by genes. They were taken in as “Jews” … Continue reading

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The War On Noticing

I don’t think the paper has anything to apologize for. A black hockey player stands out, particularly in that picture. From Jim Romenesko: NEWSPAPERS APOLOGIZE FOR CUTLINE IDENTIFYING BLACK HOCKEY PLAYER AS ‘DARK GUY IN THE MIDDLE’ The cutline ran … Continue reading

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Black Nationalism Vs White Nationalism

I went to meet a white nationalist leader the other day and even though he wanted no Jews in his country, he sought out a kosher restaurant for me and when I went to his home, he provided kosher food. … Continue reading

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Leaked Nude Photos = Hate Crime?

Another black celebrity cries racism. From TMZ: Gabrielle Union says she was the victim of a digital hate crime … after some topless photos she sent to Dwayne Wade somehow leaked onto the internet — and now her legal team … Continue reading

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