Category Archives: Blacks

Because Portland Is White

This Washington Post articles fails to mention that Portland has the highest percentage of white people of any American city. That’s the only way it can sustain all these cool quirky collaborative ventures. Imagine public vegetable gardens in the downtown … Continue reading

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I Am Just Glad Jameis Winston Can Write His Own Name

Too often the news media concentrate on the negative instead of looking for uplifting angles to a news story. That’s the case here. There’s good news. Jameis Winston is not illiterate. He’s a university-educated scholar. Report: Even as Florida State … Continue reading

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Why Is Africa A Disaster Zone?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “African hospitals just can’t handle Ebola. And why is Africa so poor? Because of corruption. The brain power is there.” The average IQ in sub-saharan Africa is 70, which alone is enough … Continue reading

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Ferguson’s Unanswered Questions

Heather Mac Donald writes: But the most ubiquitous “Ferguson is racist” meme was the most familiar: the police force is too white. Four of Ferguson’s 53 officers are black. This imbalance must be the result of racism and must itself … Continue reading

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Tribes Have A Different Relationship To The Nation State III

Tribes, be they black or Chinese or Jewish or Nicaraguan, have a different relationship to America. Sometimes tribes can be even more loyal to the nation than the majority population because they want to prove themselves good citizens. German Jews … Continue reading

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