Category Archives: Blacks

Why aren’t people like this sterilized?

Are we allowed to point out the facts of life to women that certain men, statistically speaking, are more likely than other men to give you an STD, to get you pregnant, to not financially support the kid and to … Continue reading

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The Manifold Blessings Of Ethiopian Jews

Richard Lynn writes in his book, The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement: Jewish children scored much higher than the other three groups on verbal ability, about the same as the Chinese on reasoning and numerical abilities, … Continue reading

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WP: ‘I’m a black woman with a white husband. People assume I’m a prostitute all the time.’

Why would people assume that a beautiful black woman with an ugly white guy is a hooker? Because blacks and whites, in general, occupy opposite parts of the socio-economic spectrum and so people rationally assume that when you have a … Continue reading

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I Wonder Why The New Orleans Police Department Is So Bad?

The New York Times reports: NEW ORLEANS — A scathing examination of this city’s Police Department has concluded that five detectives tasked with investigating sex crimes failed to pursue hundreds of reported cases, finding records of follow-up efforts in only … Continue reading

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The Bad Part Of Town

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Would you send your daughter anywhere there’s a one in five chance she’ll be raped?” “What are you chances of being mugged if you walk in a bad part of town?” Where … Continue reading

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