Category Archives: Blacks

Nicholas Kristof: What If Whites Were In The Minority?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Remember when you were suspended in the fourth grade for being disruptive?” Yeah, it was in math class. I was was working on some multiplication when I should have been dancing and throwing things like … Continue reading

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NYT: Schools’ Discipline for Girls Differs by Race and Hue

By TANZINA VEGA DEC. 10, 2014 … For all the attention placed on problems that black boys face in terms of school discipline and criminal justice, there is increasing focus on the way those issues affect black girls as well. … Continue reading

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America’s Getting Less White, and That Will Save It by William H. Frey

I love the comments on this article: * I am of Jamaican and Cuban descent. Sorry but this so called diversity project has turned Miami from a beautiful southern town into a third world hell hole. African, Indians, Asians, Arabs … Continue reading

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What’s The Best Predictor Of Levels Of Rape In A Community?

I’m looking at this new map and report and wondering if there are any patterns here: From Wikipedia: “The U.S. Department of Justice compiles statistics on crime by race, but only between and among people categorized as black or white. … Continue reading

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Eric Garner Had At Least 8 Domestic Incident Reports Filed Against Him

REPORT: Street thug Eric Garner had at least eight domestic incident reports filed against him, including several for unwanted sexual touching. One of them even involved throwing his newborn grandchild and his daughter out of his car, NYPD sources told … Continue reading

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