Category Archives: Blacks

Ever Tire Of People Lecturing You About Racism?

Comments: * Can someone compile a list of white liberals who lecture others about racism, together with the stats on the racial makeup of their own home neighborhoods? Wouldn’t that be useful in an argument? * How would one know … Continue reading

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A gynecologist secretly photographed patients. What’s their pain worth?

I’m sure white racism is to blame. Washington Post: Jyllene Wilson is still wary of doctor’s offices and public restrooms, and whenever she’s away from home, she uses a smartphone app that can help detect hidden cameras to ensure she … Continue reading

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Dangerous Black Femme

From Ithaca College: M Horsley Assistant Professor, Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Faculty, Women’s and Gender Studies Specialty: African American and African Diaspora Studies, Black Feminism, Black Queer Theory, Black Music Videos, Black Female Sexuality, Visual … Continue reading

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Group Crimes

John Craig writes: You’ve undoubtedly heard of the recent torture of the schizophrenic white kid in Chicago by four blacks. It’s a refreshing change to see a black-on-white crime actually get some airtime. Usually, the MSM buries these crimes. But … Continue reading

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The Age: Sudanese in Melbourne Are Victims of Racial Profiling (Also, They Commit 2 Orders of Magnitude More Major Crimes)

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Some pushback comes from the Murdoch tabloid newspapers and talkback radio. But Australia doesn’t have free speech protections like the USA does. Both Murdoch newspaper columnists and talkback radio hosts have been charged and convicted … Continue reading

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