Category Archives: Blacks

She Accused The Police Of Racism

Gawker: Scottie Pippen, NBA hall of famer and the Drake to Michael Jordan’s Jay Z (source: Drake) has a 20-year-old daughter, Sierra. Sierra attends the University of Iowa, which is located near the Iowa City Sheraton Hotel. That is where … Continue reading

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Black Murderers Matter

Dennis Prager writes: The “Black Lives Matter” campaign is based on as big a lie as the “campus rape culture” lie, the Rolling Stone magazine gang rape at the University of Virginia fraternity lie, the gang rape by the Duke … Continue reading

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If I Were A Black Gentile, How Would I Feel About Jews?

If I were a typical college-educated black non-Jewish American male, I suspect I’d have some contradictory and ambivalent feelings about Jews. On the one hand, I’d admire them for their high average intelligence, their industriousness and persistence, their success, their … Continue reading

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Bullying Your Way

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A certain amount of thuggishness can advance your cause: Islam in Europe; Blacks in America; Scientologists bullying their way into tax exempt status. One needs to consider responding in kind. * The upside to gay … Continue reading

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REPORT: Judge slams victims for tot’s ‘black men’ fear

Paleo-Lib: A white family suffers a home invasion and is held at gun point by two black robbers. The three year old girl is traumatized and still fears black males. The response by the judge? He rips into the family … Continue reading

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