Category Archives: Blacks

Is Israel still thrilled about the Ethiopian “Jewry” influx?

Blacks get arrested more often in Israel than whites, just like in all the other countries of the world. Importing Ethiopians has been a disaster for Israel. Many of these immigrants identify more with underclass black American culture than with … Continue reading

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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about how he would feel if he were born into different outgroups

LINK: Topics include: If Luke Were Born An Orthodox Jew, How Would I Feel About This Luke Ford Bloke? If Luke Were A Gentile White Nationalist, How Would He Feel About Jews? If Luke were a Muslim, how would he … Continue reading

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Baltimore in Flames: While the city burns, liberals place blame everywhere but where it belongs: on criminality and on family breakdown

Heather Mac Donald writes: The apologetics began almost as soon as the fires were lit in Baltimore yesterday, heralding a night of violence and looting that would leave 24 police officers injured and 19 buildings torched, including a $16 million … Continue reading

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Driving While Black

Economist John Lott writes for the New York Post March 9, 2015: Addressing the nation from Selma, Ala., on Saturday, President Obama said that while racism may be “no longer endemic,” as it was 50 years ago, his Justice Department’s … Continue reading

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Baltimore’s Riots

* Confrontation in Baltimore: Updates on Violence as Police Clash With Rioters He described how he and some Bloods members stood in front of stores that they knew were black-owned business, to protect them from looting and vandalism. He said … Continue reading

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