Category Archives: Blacks

NYT: Trump’s Baffling Threat to “Send in the Feds” to Chicago Is a Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma

Comments at Steve Sailer: * “He meant locking up more black and brown folks,” said Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, addressing the City Council here on Wednesday morning. “Just like Republicans, just like right-wingers have always done.” * Incarceration is a strategy … Continue reading

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Why Do Blacks Vote Democrat?

Comment: You need to view them as a domestic Nation within a Nation – a tribe if you will – with its own mythos akin to the trail of tears in the Great Migration. Blacks see black-0n-black violence as an … Continue reading

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Why Did The Same Jewish Leader Joachim Prinz First Support The Nazis, And Then Martin Luther King?

I just read a Stanford University website that posted in full Joachim Prinz’s 1958 letter to Martin Luther King. Here is an excerpt: On September 26th, I addressed a letter to the President of the United States urging him to … Continue reading

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Blacks Displaced In Google’s Martin Luther King Day Doodle

Comments: * The MLK Day Google Doodle shows a ‘multicultural’ firing squad lineup, each target already having been surgically deprived of an eye. Brutal. * Blacks have been demoted from center stage on their own day in Google’s version of … Continue reading

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Reparations For Blacks

Comment: If the U.S. were still roughly 90% white and 10% black, I do think whites would be ready to implement “reparations” policies as a final effort at black/white assimilation. However, now that blacks are just another identity group, it’s … Continue reading

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