Category Archives: Blacks

Miss Universe Japan 2015 Is Half-Black

If I were Japanese, I would not necessarily be pleased by my country being represented by a woman who’s half-black. If I were Nigerian, I would not necessarily want my country represented by someone who’s half-Japanese. People have a right … Continue reading

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Certain kinds of information seem only available through the UK press

Guess which sort of info I am talking about here? Yes, the race of the people doing bad things. Pictured: Woman who posed as social worker to stab new mother and kidnap baby to pass it off as her own … Continue reading

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Different Races React Differently To Alcohol

I thought there was no such thing as race? REPORT: Compared with no alcohol consumption, sensible levels of drinking have correlated with better heart health. However, a new analysis has revealed that a cardioprotective link from moderate drinking is not … Continue reading

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Jews, Blacks And Conspiracy Theories

As a Jew, one of the hard things to deal with in black life are all the nasty conspiracy theories about Jews, including the ones about Jewish doctors poisoning black kids. Here are some examples: Black-Jewish Hostility Rouses Leaders in … Continue reading

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LAT: In Brazil, homicide rate still high despite increased prosperity

I just don’t understand why Brazil would have a high homicide rate. Surely its genetic make-up is law abiding elsewhere in the world. It must be the fault of those Brazilians of Japanese origin. From the Los Angeles Times: More … Continue reading

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