Category Archives: Blacks

Why Do We Call Black Stars By Their First Names?

Over a year ago, I wrote a blog post entitled, “Can You Name Any Japanese Celebrities?” I’m watching KABC TV News this afternoon and this bloke Rob Fukuzaki does the sports capably enough, but he has no charisma. According to … Continue reading

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No Black women or Asian women found or wanted in Muslim heaven

RE: Justice for Osama According to Islamic teachings the 72 female virgins that Muslim men get in heaven are wide eyed WHITE WOMEN….which means no black or Asian women.

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‘Never Send A Goy To Do A Jew’s Job’

Taken to heart, this saying (according to a Google search just now, this phrase has never been published before) could save you millions of dollars. There are certain things that blacks are better at, that goyim are better at, that … Continue reading

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Black Vs White Smarts

Comments to Steve Sailer: * …the in-depth research done by Harvard’s admissions department in the 1970s, as summarized in Klitgaard’s “Choosing Elites.” Initially, Harvard figured there were black diamonds in the ghetto rough that they could find. But soon realized … Continue reading

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Report: Brooklyn, NY – Black School Bus Driver Sues Borough Park Satmar School Over Slurs, Owed Back Pay

I cannot believe this. Not the Satmar I know. Chaim Amalek writes: Nebech, when Moshiach comes the shvartzes will get down on their knees and BEG us to hire them to drive the kinder to Yeshiva with only a smile … Continue reading

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