Category Archives: Blacks

Israeli Soldiers expel 200 Palestinians from pool to allow settlers to bathe

Jewish settlers in this story understandably do not want to swim with Palestinians. There are Torah laws against bathing with Gentiles (Kahane proposed making it illegal in Israel for Jews to do this). Why is it so hard to understand … Continue reading

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Pool Party Racism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Bafflingly, the Texas swimming pool story was featured as a *top story* on the BBC World News TV broadcast. The same kind of “POS” incident probably occurs tens of thousands of times a day across … Continue reading

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The North-South Divide With Two Parent Families Is More A Black/White Divide

NYT: “Mr. Wilcox and Mr. Zill also point out that two-parent families tend to be more common in states with predominantly white populations.”

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Steve Sailer: Bratton Explains Why There Are Limits to How Many Black Cops You Can Hire

Steve Sailer writes: From The Guardian, an article about a public official telling the truth: NYPD chief Bratton says hiring black officers is difficult: ‘So many have spent time in jail’ New York police commissioner says bringing more non-white officers … Continue reading

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Bad Students, Not Bad Schools

VDARE: One of those stories where you have to laugh to keep from crying. The Hispanic-dominated Los Angeles Unified School District Board has decided it is better to let failing students graduate with D grades rather than deny them a … Continue reading

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