Category Archives: Blacks

Yahoo Finance Exclusive: Earl Holt started giving money to GOP pols after marrying the widow of a Jewish businessman

Yahoo: “As president of a white nationalist group linked with the murders of nine churchgoers in Charleston, S.C. on June 17, Earl P. Holt III is straddling the uneasy boundary between free speech and racial hatred.” How can there be … Continue reading

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Hope For The Future

Friend: “It seems to be a Spanish territorial port in Africa. Technically, Spanish territory. Per the video, the narrator stated that Spanish police were stopping illegals, going against international law. So, apparently, stopping illegals from entering a country illegally is … Continue reading

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The Shameful Liberal Exploitation of the Charleston Massacre

Heather MacDonald writes: The racist massacre of nine black worshippers at a Charleston, S.C., church on June 17 was an act of such heinous ugliness that it demands to be scrutinized for any larger meanings it may possess. That the … Continue reading

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Murder By Race

Chateau Heartiste writes: Although blacks only constitute 12% of the total US population, they murder nearly as many whites as the number of whites murdered by other whites, who are 64% of the total US population. This website is running … Continue reading

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Study Says Empathy Varies By Race

Wow: “The ADRA2b deletion variant appears in varying degrees across different ethnicities. Although roughly 50 per cent of the Caucasian population studied by these researchers in Canada carry the genetic variation, it has been found to be prevalent in other … Continue reading

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