Category Archives: Blacks

Between the Racist World and Ta Coates

From * Ta Coates is one of the great thinkers of the 21st century. Don’t agree? Then you’re on the wrong side of history. Ta has written a book for the ages, chronicling such fascinating episodes as dating, doing … Continue reading

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The Wit & Wisdom Of Ta-Nehisi Coates

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think I’ve figured out why Ta constantly repeats the phrase “black bodies”. The phrase doesn’t have any real meaning because it doesn’t add any information. Replacing “black bodies” with simpler phrases such as “blacks” … Continue reading

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Different Groups Have Different Gifts

Jews tend to be more emotionally expressive than European Protestants. Blacks seem be louder and more emotional than Jews. Northern Europeans tend to be more law abiding and monogamous than southern Europeans. Blacks tend to yell at their TVs and … Continue reading

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Saving Black Bodies

Steve Sailer writes: I have found that, in the African-American oral tradition, if the words are enunciated eloquently enough, no one examines the meaning for definitive truth. —Biracial novelist Mat Johnson, Loving Day, 2015 America’s foremost public intellectual, Ta-Nehisi Coates, … Continue reading

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Should American Black Be Grateful That Whites Fought A Civil War To Free Them?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Ta-Nehisi Coates–among many others–insists that the American Civil War was solely about slavery. I haven’t read enough Civil War history to know whether that’s the case. One of the things that puzzles me about that … Continue reading

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