Category Archives: Blacks

Why so much violence at the West Indian American Day parade?

Link: “The shooting topped a violent night in Brooklyn in the hours before the start of the borough’s annual West Indian American Day parade, which has been marred by violence in years past.”

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Burning Man & Race

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This Burning Man etc has a big plus for the normal hetero white guys. No blacks and other brothers of color to distract and attract the white women. The exact opposite going on in Germany … Continue reading

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The Racial Reality of Policing

A former New York City police detective writes for the WSJ: I don’t understand how a movement called “Black Lives Matter” can ignore the leading cause of death among young black men in the U.S., which is homicide by their … Continue reading

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French Girl slapped by a black immigrant because she doesn’t want to give her phone number

And this is what happens when you’re a white girl in a “FRENCH” ghetto. Comments: * And they actualy blame people for being “racist”? They come from some shithole in Africa, we give them everything for free here in Europe. … Continue reading

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The Obama Years

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The Obama Years: Wages – down. Budget deficits – way up. Homelessness – way way up. Middle East – in flames. Food costs – way up. Test scores – down. Murders – up It’s like … Continue reading

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