Category Archives: Blacks

Latin America’s Flight From Black

Dennis Prager was thrilled the day his son David told him that he wanted to grow up to be black. Comment: Latin America has the reverse situation of North America and that is the flight from Blackness. Among Latin Americans … Continue reading

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SEE IT: High school cheerleader dance-off turns nasty as brawl erupts between rivals

NYDailyNews: A brawl erupted between two [black] high school cheerleading teams after a impromptu dance-off turned nasty. The fight between Wilmer Hutchins Blue Bells and James Madison Trojanettes drill teams in Dallas happened after the football game ended last Friday. … Continue reading

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Democrats Say Violence-Marred West Indian Day Celebration Is Still Very Safe

Comments to Steve Sailer: What an absence of leadership looks like. An annual event that attracts deadly violence every year should be canceled, period. Maintaining public safety is the number one responsibility of elected officials, especially the executive branch, to … Continue reading

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NYT: Police Program Aims to Pinpoint Those Most Likely to Commit Crimes

Strange. The New York Times does not seem to allow comments on this story. New York Times: KANSAS CITY, Mo. — At the request of his probation officer, Tyrone C. Brown came to a community auditorium here in June and … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: A general rule: The whiter a black is culturally, the more ethnocentric he will be politically

Steve Sailer writes in 2007: A reader points out: “I have always been amused that Kanye West, the benign rapper with the art school background and the English professor mother, is the one into trendy political grandstanding and accusing Bush … Continue reading

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