Category Archives: Blacks

Steve Sailer: The Coalition of the Fringes at Work

Steve Sailer writes: Here’s a funny clip from MSNBC: the professional Hispanic named Alfonso praises Paul Ryan for being pals with arch-immigration advocate Luis Gutierrez and for being a “hard worker.” Professional (sort of) black lady Melissa Harris-Perry reads him … Continue reading

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You Have To Admire The Forthright Way Blacks, Muslims Pursue Their Group Interest

Chaim Amalek: “I really love these guys. Honest, and focused on advancing their group interests no matter what the idiot white goyim think.” REPORT: Australia: Muslims complain that singing anthem is “forced assimilation” “Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir decries ‘forced Muslim … Continue reading

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WT: Rooms filled with white people cause ‘microaggressions’ for minorities

Washington Times: A report by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign into the topic of “microaggressions” found that the simple task of “walking into or sitting in” a room full of white people can be problematic for minorities. “Students of … Continue reading

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Should Banks Be Forced To Lend More To Risky Minorities?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I was in the risk management department of a large bank in the late 2000s. I remember that even in 2009, when we were still barely over the worst of the financial crisis, the feds … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Here We Go Again: Obama Administration on a Crusade Against “Redlining”

Steve Sailer writes: In complete contrast to, say, Apple Stores, which can be found all over the South Bronx and the ungentrified parts of Brooklyn. Oh, wait, sorry, no, Apple Stores can’t actually be found in poor neighborhoods in New … Continue reading

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