Category Archives: Blacks

Who’s Burning Black Churches? Black Suspects

Michelle Malkin writes: Earlier: Fanning the Flames of Another Black Church Arson Hoax Here we go again: another liberal narrative burned to a crisp. Over a two-week period in October, an arsonist targeted seven churches in the St. Louis area … Continue reading

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WP: Maryland family faces harsh criticism after adopted daughter is featured in ‘American Girl’ magazine

Washington Post: Rob and Reece Scheer of Darnestown, two white gay men, adopted Amaya and three boys — all of whom are African American and had been in foster care — several years ago and were recently featured in a … Continue reading

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WP: The states where blacks are much less likely to have a job than whites

Everywhere in the world, blacks have a higher unemployment rate than whites and asians. Washington Post: Black unemployment in Ohio is 3.3 times higher than it is for whites. In Illinois, it’s also 3.3 times as high. And the disparity … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Within Obama Administration, White and Black Officials Squabble Over Blame for 2015 Murder Spike

Steve Sailer writes: From the NYT: Officials Debate Effect of Scrutiny on Police By ERIC LICHTBLAU NOV. 4, 2015 WASHINGTON — A rift widened Wednesday within the Obama administration over the politically charged question of whether a surge in crime … Continue reading

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Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers

Abstract: This study examines the birth trends, family structure, economic standing, paternal relationships, and emotional stability of biracial children with African American fathers. For study implementation quantitative research methods were used. Questions were asked through a questionnaire that was administered … Continue reading

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