Category Archives: Blacks

Woodrow Wilson Headed For The Dust Bin Of History For His Racism?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’m seriously starting to think that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln may soon be put on the political chopping-block as well given that their outspoken “racism” was vastly worse than that of poor … Continue reading

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Massive Migration Of Low-Skilled Labor Into America Hurts Blacks Most

Steve Sailer writes: Harvard labor economist George Borjas has written a study pointing out that wages in Miami among high school dropouts got hammered by the Mariel Boatlift. The Wage Impact of the Marielitos: A Reappraisal George J. Borjas ABSTRACT … Continue reading

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‘This woman nearly destroyed a black Harvard law student’s life with lies’

Ann Coulter tweets: CNN’S THE HUNTING GROUND claims 1 in 4 women will raped or sexually assaulted in college … then admits that “sexually assaulted” includes “persistent unwanted dinner invitations.” THAT’S NOT A JOKE. This is the one exposed by … Continue reading

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KU professor who used n-word in class discussion is placed on leave

News: A Kansas University professor who used the n-word during a class discussion about race is on leave while the university investigates a discrimination complaint against her. Andrea Quenette, assistant professor of communication studies, said she was notified Friday morning … Continue reading

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Don’t Bet on the Harvard Law School ‘Hate Crime’

Heather Mac Donald writes: There are few student species more nakedly ambitious, focused, and future-oriented than the average Harvard law student. Having likely spent his undergraduate years planning admissions maximization strategies, he now has the Holy Grail almost within his … Continue reading

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