Category Archives: Blacks

WP: Television is getting more diverse. Here’s why it’s good for the business.

Most people prefer to watch their own kind. Washington Post: By Lavanya Ramanathan November 29 This year, it became impossible to turn on your television without noticing a major sea change: People of color are the stars of shows on … Continue reading

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Who will you blame once Obama’s gone?

By John Blake, CNN Updated 9:33 AM ET, Fri November 27, 2015 … Consider the question of whether racial strife is now the norm. “I don’t see that stopping when Obama is no longer president,” says Steve Sailer, who writes … Continue reading

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Firewatcher Update

Steve Sailer writes: It’s not well-known, but on 9/11 the death toll included 343 firemen and zero firewomen (who are known to firemen as “firewatchers”). To rectify that, Choeurlyne Doirin-Holder was hired by the FDNY. But, sensibly enough, she probably … Continue reading

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NYT Editorial: “False Alarms About a National Crime Wave”

Comments to Steve Sailer: * So, is there any correlation between the size of those communities and their city’s place on the list? (Note: the US is about 12% African American.) Here are the top ten cities from highest to … Continue reading

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Have You Had The Thrill Of Emancipating A Slave?

Perhaps Fetlife? Comment: I have been trying to find an international anti-slavery society that will let me donate money to them to purchase African slaves (for immediate emancipation, of course). Unfortunately, they just want donations so THEY can buy slaves … Continue reading

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