Category Archives: Judaism

What Did Your Rabbi Talk About Shabbos Morning?

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Musician Craug Taubman Publishes Days Of Awe Book

One evening at Friday Night Live a couple of years ago, Craig Taubman walked past me. He stopped, came back, looked at me and said, "Are you the guy who writes that out-there stuff?" Guilty. From Craig’s press release: Released … Continue reading

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YULA Moving Left

It got rid of AGUDAH rabbis Becker and Landesman and hiring in the Modern Orthodox Zionist Mizrachi mold. More about YULA. How many children go to Rabbi Shalom Tendler‘s new school Mesivta Birkas Yitzchok? Rabbi Steven Weil is sending a … Continue reading

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Pick One People, One Religion

Jack Werthheimer (provost of Jewish Theological Seminary) writes on Pick a single religion and a single people. It will save you much grief. I hope the religion you choose is Judaism and the people with a claim on you … Continue reading

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Feeding Drugs To Kids

I caught this in a Pico-Robertson shul bulletin on Shabbos: Last week, two men posing as DWP workers committed several robberies… We also received an alert from Jewish Family Service Aleinu Family Resource Center that a man who goes by … Continue reading

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