Category Archives: Judaism

Reflections On Rosh Hashanah From A Black Guy

From the Macho Response: I just spent some time working for a jewish synagogue, during their "High Holy Days" celebrations, and here are some random thoughts: It was intoxicating to be around so many beautiful women, and not one of … Continue reading

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Forbidden Sex

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The afternoon Torah reading on Yom Kippur is from Leviticus 18, the passage of forbidden relations. Included in this list is adultery, incest and homosexual relations. Why do we read it on Yom Kippur? Rashi (Megillah … Continue reading

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Adas Torah – Up And Coming Orthodox Shul On Beverly Dr

It’s largely composed of the black-hatted offspring of such Modern Orthodox shuls as Beth Jacob and Young Israel of Century City. Adas Torah is starting a kollel (where married men will study Torah full-time). Not sure how much of a … Continue reading

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Towards the end of the Shabbat’s third meal, two of my friends decided to leave shul and walk home. I wanted to say "Shabbos!" to them and start crying but feared I would not have the same power over them … Continue reading

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Am I A Chicken Swinger?

Chaim Amalek writes: "There is an article on kapporos in today’s NY Post and a few videos on the practice on youtube. Where do you stand on this practice – do you hold with RAMBAM, who declared it to be … Continue reading

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