Category Archives: Judaism

Jacob Neusner: An American Jewish Iconoclast

One day circa 1992, my dad, who self-published over 40 books, brought me a brochure with books on Judaism and hundreds of the books were by Jacob Neusner. We couldn’t get over it. We’d never known anyone that productive. One … Continue reading

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Jewish Tradition and the Challenge of Darwinism (2008)

Here are some highlights from this 2008 book: * The theory of evolution has provided a profound intellectual challenge to religion over the past century and a half. Yet most studies of the impact and significance of evolution for religion … Continue reading

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Is Gossip Good?

Judaism’s laws of proper speech Libel and Gossip Gossip As A Gauge Of A Religion's Commitment To Reality: Every religion (and every moral system) of which I am aware condemns gossip. None do it in as minute detail as Judaism. … Continue reading

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Professor William B. Helmreich Dies From The Corona Virus

In his last year of life, the professor read and enjoyed my 2004 book Yesterday’s News Tomorrow: Inside American Jewish Journalism. When I was getting into Judaism in the 1990s, I read many of his books including “Wake Up, Wake … Continue reading

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Jewish Tradition & The Challenge of Darwinism

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