Category Archives: Judaism

How Can I Show Her That Judaism Welcomes Lesbians?

“This year is the first time my new non-Jewish daughter-in-law will be spending the high holidays with us. She and my daughter will be coming up from New York City…” From the Forward: Going into an unfamiliar religious environment can … Continue reading

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Religion & Family First, State Second

Paul Johnson writes in Modern Times: De Gasperi, for his part, never recognized in Mussolini anything except a destructive radical: ‘Bolshevism in black’, as he put it. His own Partito Popolare Trentino was welcomed by Don Luigi Sturzo into the … Continue reading

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Rabbi, My husband wants a Blowjob: A Halachic Analysis of Fellatio in Jewish Marital Intimacy (Marital sexuality and Halacha) (Volume 1) Paperback – August 11, 2014

Why I love Judaism. Don’t forget the sequel: Rabbi, My Husband Wants Anal Sex: An Halachic Analysis of Anal Sex within the bounds of Jewish marital intimacy (Marital sexuality and Halacha) (Volume 2) * Fellatio in Halacha: From Wikipedia, the … Continue reading

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Hollywoodism Vs Judaism

There’s a disturbing documentary on the Jewish role in Hollywood called “Hollywoodism.” It concludes with a rant by Douglas Rushkoff, author of Nothing Sacred: The Truth About Judaism: “The thing that makes Judaism dangerous to everybody, to every race, to … Continue reading

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Is David Brooks Converting To Christianity?

Spengler writes an open letter to David Brooks: Because you are a public intellectual of Jewish origin, though, your spiritual peregrinations are of broader interest. It may be chutzpah for me to offer you advice, but I could not help … Continue reading

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