Category Archives: Diversity

Airbnb Sued, Accused of Ignoring Hosts’ Race Discrimination

The sharing economy, operated by apps like Uber and AirBNB, only works when it is among people worthy of trust. Bloomberg: Airbnb Inc. was accused in a civil-rights lawsuit of ignoring a black man who complained that his reservation request with the online … Continue reading

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CBS says shows are ‘more diverse’ despite criticism – The network’s 6 new fall shows all have white male leads

“Caucasian Broadcasting System?” “When CBS ordered six new shows last week, fans on Twitter pointed out the one thing they all had in common: The top-billed actor in each was white and male. Soon observers began to accuse the … Continue reading

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Subsidizing America’s Poor So They Can Move To The Surburbs

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This is what it’s like to live under a hostile elite. I’ve never seen a Hunger Games movie or book but I know the plot line of Psycho Hostile Elite in Capitol City dominating the … Continue reading

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Op-Ed Rich Angelenos are giving less to charity — and the consequences are dire

Los Angeles Times: During the Great Recession, tens of thousands of residents in Los Angeles County fell into poverty, and thousands more became homeless and went hungry. Simultaneously, the public sector was forced to reduce funding for many human services. … Continue reading

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Declining Quality In British Universities Blamed On ‘Forced Diversity’

Daily Caller: British universities are becoming less competitive among the world’s elite, and experts say government regulations to force diversity on campuses are part of the problem. Britain’s two most prestigious universities, the University of Oxford and the University of … Continue reading

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