Category Archives: Diversity

Diversity Destroys Community

Another study: Community psychologists are interested in creating contexts that promote both respect for diversity and sense of community. However, recent theoretical and empirical work has uncovered a community-diversity dialectic wherein the contextual conditions that foster respect for diversity run … Continue reading

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‘Dialogue is naturally limited under the condition of diversity’

LINK: Atomize any further and it gets down to kindergarten level, pretty much “Don’t say that bad word!” dictated in baby talk. All of this for the upkeep of a lonely society where you say “Have a nice day” to … Continue reading

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The Joys Of Diversity

NPR: Social Distrust Blooms Among Millennials, But Where Are Its Roots? One explanation for this, the study suggests, is growing racial diversity – 43 percent of millennial adults are non-white, making this the most diverse generation in America… She says, … Continue reading

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Who Will The Democrats Nominate In 2016?

As Hillary Clinton falls apart, who steps up? Comments to Steve Sailer: * If the Democrats really wanted to throw a curveball at the American electorate they’d have Dore Gold run for the White House. Having the Connecticut-born Director-General of … Continue reading

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When Europeans Ruled The World

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Setting aside morality, and looking only at biology, if one wants to talk about the dominance of the Europoid race there’s really only one way to do it: breed like rabbits and then migrate and … Continue reading

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