Category Archives: Diversity

Real Life Hunger Games

Sarah A. Hoyt writes: Social capital, what’s that? The built-up support networks of families and individuals that help maintain and order their lives. Family ties, community ties — with organizations like churches, schools, and voluntary associations that once were more … Continue reading

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From Chateau Heartiste: Quoting Peter Sutherland, Goldman Sachs executive and an actual (not euphemistic) Scots-Irish (!): “[The EU should] do its best to undermine the homogeneity of its member states.” If this isn’t treason worthy of the rope, I don’t … Continue reading

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From Chateau Heartiste: The latest liberal screech-out is high dudgeon over some prankster teenage muslim mud in Texas who brought a “””clock””” to school as a science project that looked suspiciously like a suitcase bomb, and his teacher justifiably freaked … Continue reading

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After Diversity

From Chateau Heartiste: Diversity™ erodes the nation-state through invidious psy op mechanisms. You are soothed into a comfort bubble of warm altruistic feels, and then one day you wake up to find yourself robbed blind and left in the street … Continue reading

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High Trust Vs Low Trust Societies

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Hungary has been fighting Muslim invasions for over 500 years. Hungary has experienced the conflict and eventual collapse of three multicultural empires, the Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Soviet Empire. The EU is likely … Continue reading

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