Category Archives: Diversity

More ‘global’ individuals contribute less

From the University of Haifa: The greater individuals’ level of globalization, the less they will contribute to public goods. This finding emerges from the doctorate thesis of Dr. Eitan Adres from the School of Political Sciences at the University of … Continue reading

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Bryan Caplan: They (Goyim) Scare Me

Jewish economist Bryan Caplan writes out the reasons many perhaps most Jews instinctively revolt against living in a dominant Christian culture (does Caplan want Israel to cease being a Jewish state?): What would happen if Mormons were a solid majority … Continue reading

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Diversity As A Threat To Confidence

Growing up as a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian in Australia and Northern California, it never occurred to me in my first 18 years that there might be a religion more true than mine. I had no doubt that Anglo Protestants produced … Continue reading

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Diversity = Destruction

Comments to Steve Sailer: * What does ethnic diversity have to do with military effectiveness? Is there a single case in history of a multi ethnic patchwork force defeating an equal sized force of homogeneous ethnicity? Even one case in … Continue reading

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Diversity + Proximity = War

From the Chateau: People like to form into competing groups. This natural impulse is encoded in every human being’s DNA. It is a deeply embedded encoding, and can’t be excised. It can only be controlled by authoritarian measures, i.e. ultimately … Continue reading

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