Category Archives: Diversity

WT: Rooms filled with white people cause ‘microaggressions’ for minorities

Washington Times: A report by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign into the topic of “microaggressions” found that the simple task of “walking into or sitting in” a room full of white people can be problematic for minorities. “Students of … Continue reading

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Let The Goyim Go!

Not a single oligarch is on our side. Consequently, there is no resistance to be had. Neocons are firmly in the drown the whites camp. We are the West’s terrible pharaoh, demographically drowning the Euros in an ocean of multiculturalism. … Continue reading

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The Wickedest Links

From the Chateau: 3. Compare and contrast: National Defense Ministers. 4. What’s up with Charles Murray? You’d think personal entanglement with the madding SJW crowd would broaden a man’s perspective. 5. CH, and others like the aforementioned PA, have contended … Continue reading

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Life Is A Struggle Between Competing Groups

Different groups have different interests. Wisdom from the Chateau: * “All life is struggle. From the moment a small boy understands that he’s afraid to climb a jungle gym, or run fast, or stand his ground against another boy. He … Continue reading

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Jews, Gentiles & Circumcision

A Jew challenged me this week: “I fear that only when gentiles find the strength to forbid male circumcision like they forbid even the mildest forms of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) will they find the strength to stand up to … Continue reading

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