Category Archives: Diversity

Steve Sailer: Missouri to Get University Worthy of Its 6th-place Football Team

Steve Sailer writes: One of the older American collegiate jokes is a college president promising to build a university worthy of its football team (this may go back to the U. of Maryland in the early 1950s). With the U. … Continue reading

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Diversity Has Jumped The Shark

Ann Coulter wrote in 2009: It cannot be said often enough that the chief of staff of the United States Army, Gen. George Casey, responded to a massacre of 13 Americans in which the suspect is a Muslim by saying: … Continue reading

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Broken Window Economics

Comment: Just as if I come to your house and take a dump on your floor, that causes growth because you will hire an environmental waste company to come clean the mess. The propagandist admits this when he says the … Continue reading

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Hollywood’s Racial Programming

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I already receive this conditioning on a routine basis: every time I see a commercial or program on TV, everytime I see a movie made after 1990, or look in a trade publication, I see … Continue reading

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Academia’s Rejection of Diversity

If diversity is such a blessing, why does almost everyone flee it when given a choice? People prefer to live, work, play and worship with their own kind. Diversity makes people uncomfortable, even afraid, and so they shrink within themselves. … Continue reading

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