Category Archives: Diversity

Diversity + Proximity = War: The Reference List

From the Chateau: Courtesy of reader chris, a large (and growing) reference list of studies finding strong and accumulating evidence for the Chateau Heartiste maxim that Diversity™ + Proximity = War by Various Means. Feel free to link to this … Continue reading

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Harvard Business Review: Diversity Policies Don’t Help Women or Minorities, and They Make White Men Feel Threatened

Comments on Reddit about this HBR article: * Diversity programs and Diversity teams do not exist to solve an actual or perceived problem but rather exist to cover the companies ass to make it look like the company is doing … Continue reading

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The Intellectual Costs of Diversity

Robert Weisberg writes: The quest for campus diversity seems to be everywhere–the website currently lists 75 schools where students are clamoring for diversity. Barbara Wilson, the interim Chancellor of the University of Illinois even called diversity central to the … Continue reading

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The Case For Discrimination

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The word “discrimination” is a fight word. Make any distinction between two things today, however innocuous, and it seems someone will accuse you of discrimination. But I’m at loose ends. I was taught that “discrimination” … Continue reading

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The Stereotype Threat

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Bill Cosby demonstrated that the ‘stereotype’ of the black rapist was more valid than the ‘role model’ of Dr. Huxtable. * Larry Bird has described his bout with stereotype threat when he arrived at pro … Continue reading

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