Category Archives: Diversity

What If Diversity Is Our Weakness?

Rod Dreher writes: A reader left this comment on the “What’s The Matter With Utah?” thread. I think it’s really thought-provoking and challenging, but he posted it under his real name, and I’m worried that if I approve it, it … Continue reading

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Multi-Culti Requires A Police State

Comments to Steve Sailer: * You’ve hit it: multikulti requires a police state. And the more multi it gets, the more strict the state. Iraq, very multi with Sunnis, Shiites, Christians, and Kurds and Arabs required extreme policing, which they … Continue reading

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Is It Lion Supremacy To Care About The Survival Of This Mountain Lion?

New York Times: The problem, experts say, is that there is nowhere else for him to go. Male mountain lions fight to the death to protect their territory, and there is no suitable habitat left unclaimed in California. “It’s not … Continue reading

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WP: Why security experts called Donald Trump’s response to the Belgium attacks ‘preposterous’

Washington Post: “First of all, we have a much, much tougher refugee program than the Europeans have,” Chertoff said. “The problem the Europeans have is people showed up on their doorstep — hundreds of thousands, coming directly from the region. … Continue reading

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An open letter to Donald Trump from Orthodox rabbis

LINK: The Orthodox Community Responds to Donald Trump at AIPAC March 18, 2016 Dear Mr. Trump: We are writing to you as you prepare to address the largest pro-Israel gathering in North America. We care deeply not only about America’s … Continue reading

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