Category Archives: Affirmative Action

Why “Mismatch” is Relevant in Fisher v. Texas

Richard Sander writes: Affirmative action is before the Supreme Court again this week, as it rehears arguments in Fisher v. University of Texas. (I’ve discussed the legal issues in Fisher here.) But perhaps the most important question about racial preferences … Continue reading

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Affirmative action is working!

Any excuse to jump up and down, scream, and wave your arms. From Breitbart: EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Black Students In Canada Barricade Vice President, Accuse College Of ‘Anti-Black Racism’ A mob of black students at one of Canada’s liberal arts colleges … Continue reading

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The USA As A Communal Apartment

Anatoly Karlin writes: One of the most memorably vivid characterizations of the USSR was as a communal apartment, in which every ethnicity had its own room. Except the majority Russians, who had to make do with the foyer while paying … Continue reading

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Using Affirmative Action To Hire More Black Police Massively Increases Crime & Corruption

How has affirmative action for blacks and latinos worked out in general? Why would any society want competent police in the first place? John Lott writes: Will increasing the number of minority and women police officers make law enforcement more … Continue reading

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Why Would We Want Competent Air Traffic Controllers?

REPORT: Also uncovered was an FAA effort to promote diversity that discarded 3000 qualified college graduates with degrees in air traffic control despite their following FAA procedure and obtaining FAA accredited degrees.

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