Category Archives: Adolf Hitler

Hitler & The Jews

Timothy Snyder writes: For Hitler the bringer of the knowledge of good and evil on the earth, the destroyer of Eden, was the Jew. It was the Jew who told humans that they were above other animals, and had the … Continue reading

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Understanding Hitler’s Hatred Of Jews

Historian Timothy Snyder (author of Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning): So what Hitler does is he inverts; he reverses the whole way we think about ethics, and for that matter the whole way we think about science. … Continue reading

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JJ: Historian Timothy Snyder presents a provocative, new take on the Holocaust

Danielle Berrin conducts this interview: Yale historian Timothy Snyder is among the world’s leading scholars of Eastern Europe. Educated at Oxford, he is the author of five award-winning books, including the acclaimed “Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin,” about Nazi … Continue reading

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Hitler Was Beta

From Chateau Heartiste: A recently published book by an old friend of Hitler’s called “The Young Hitler I Knew” offers amazing insight into Hitler’s personality and early life as a romantic teenager. Evidence surfaces that Hitler was (though the author … Continue reading

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The Last Leader Of Europe

Paul Johnson writes in Modern Times: If post-war history took the new nations of Africa and Asia down a series of blind alleys, often terminating in horror and savagery, Europe’s experience offered more comfort. This was unexpected. The prevailing mood … Continue reading

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