Category Archives: Richard Spencer

Is Richard Spencer A Good Face For The Alt-Right?

Comments at Alternative Right: * Spencer was ‘larping’. He gave a very good speech, and he trolled the media at the end with ‘Hail Victory’. Media say Alt Right is ‘neo-nazi’, so he played the part. But ‘Hail’ salutes have … Continue reading

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MEET THE DAPPER WHITE NATIONALIST WHO WINS EVEN IF TRUMP LOSES – Alt-right founder Richard Spencer aims to make racism cool again

Great article in Mother Jones (even though the author and the publication hate Richard Spencer’s views, they extend him a normal amount of empathy and do such thorough reporting that no matter your views, you are going to be interested … Continue reading

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Divisions In White Nationalism

I just caught this podcast on Youtube. Host: “What causes these rifts? A lot of it is class. Boots vs suits. Then there are the wonks vs trolls. We’re doing right-wing journalism and winning the internet every day.” “There seems … Continue reading

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Better Know an RNC White Supremacist: Richard Spencer

Michelle Goldberg writes: CLEVELAND—On Tuesday afternoon, the 38-year-old white nationalist Richard Spencer stood in Cleveland’s Public Square with a hand-lettered sign saying, “Wanna Talk to a ‘Racist’?” He wanted to demystify white separatism. “Because the society we live in, if … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer – Banned In Britain

Richard Spencer writes in Radix Journal: Like fox-hunting, Pit Bull Terriers, and psychoactive substances, Richard Bertrand Spencer is now banned in the United Kingdom. Earlier this month, I received an official notice, packaged in an intriguing manilla envelope labeled “On … Continue reading

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