Category Archives: Richard Spencer

Speechless Rabbi Admits Losing Argument Over Racism and Israel to White Supremacist Richard Spencer

Do you know why the rabbi couldn’t answer Richard Spencer’s point? Because there is no Jewish response to Richard Spencer here beyond, “You are right.” Why shouldn’t other people enjoy the same cohesion and strong identity that Judaism wants for … Continue reading

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An Alt Right Obituary

I guess I’m about the only person following the Alt-Right who does not think this (a few Nazi salutes at the last NPI conference and some Nazi language such as “Hail Victory!” and lugenpresse aka lying press) was a big … Continue reading

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An Israeli Academic Enlivens The Radix Journal Discussion Of The Nazi Salute

Comments at Radix: * It’s funny because the gesture is related to (((Hollywood))) films. The Italian fascists picked it up from (((epic))) films like 1907’s Ben Hur… Note to Richard Spencer, when you are being interviewed by an aggressive and … Continue reading

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Roland Martin Debate Vs. White Nationalist Richard Spencer Is Must See TV!

@lukeford Spencer is way too nice here, but his gentility in letting Martin ramble on and on only increases the entertainment value — Ari Ben Canaan (@ari_bencanaan) November 25, 2016

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What Is The Alt-Right?

Comment: “It would help a lot if the Richard Spencers of the world weren’t doing their nazi-Germany historical recreation society gestures at otherwise respectable conferences.” No, you’re missing the point of Alt Right. Alt Right does not flow from respectability. … Continue reading

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