Category Archives: Richard Spencer

A Truce In The Battle For The Soul Of American White Nationalism?

Southern Poverty Law Center: Richard Spencer seems to have given up on putting a spin for reporters on what happened during the National Policy Institute conference last month, when his supporters responded to a toast by throwing stiff-arm Nazi salutes … Continue reading

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Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin insists anti-Semitic demonstration in Whitefish will happen, names nonexistent “Jewish center” as location

Blog post: Neo-Nazi blogger Andrew Anglin says he plans to make good on threats to stage an anti-Semitic armed march through Whitefish next month, despite dismissive comments this week by Richard Spencer, the white nationalist and part-time Whitefish resident who … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer Swallows The Black Pill About Trump

Richard tweets: * 1/ For the inauguration, Trump has chosen to feature the very worst aspects of American religious life. 2/ Trump will be blessed by a Rabbi from the Simon Wiesethal center and a Protestant snake-oil saleswoman peddling the … Continue reading

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When Pepe Puts Somebody In A Gas Chamber, Is That Funny?

About 100 minutes in, Richard Spencer says: “The anti-gay animus was one of the last gasps of implicit white identity.” “Trump was pro-gay rights. We’ve gone past hot button politics, safety valve politics, and it is just about identity.” “No, … Continue reading

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Are Nazis Marching On Whitefish?

Richard Spencer says Dec. 24 (86 minutes in): “Tanya Gersh in Whitefish began this campaign against my mother, claiming that she is in contacted with Love Lives Here, a local left-wing hate group, and she was going to use this … Continue reading

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