Category Archives: Trans

Gender Confusion

Chaim Amalek writes: “The final solution to the elite’s mania for gender confusion is for white men to embrace it (as they should affirmative action), declare themselves women of the trans sort, and use this to take over all of … Continue reading

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John Rivers: ‘We should inconvenience 99.9% of people to appease a degenerate 0.1%. Genius!’

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VDARE: ‘Turns out the guys from Porky’s trying to look into the girls’ room were actually civil rights heroes’

Separated at birth: Not from The Onion: * Leon Wolf: “I block Trump supporters on sight. There’s no real point in treating them like actual people, I’ve learned.” VDARE: Literally dehumanizing rhetoric is fine, as long as it’s directed against … Continue reading

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NBC: Curt Schilling makes a disgusting anti-transgender post on Facebook

From NBC: This has got to be the final straw, right? Curt Schilling, ESPN’s baseball analyst who has been in trouble multiple times for his social media posts and comments, has once again stepped in it. Indeed, this may be … Continue reading

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The Wisdom Of John Rivers

John Rivers tweets: * Trannies impose large externalities on the rest of society. The discomfort they make others feel is a form of pollution. * We discovered Sex Chromosomes over a hundred years ago. Yet our Ruling Cult insists Gender … Continue reading

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