Category Archives: Trans

The Tranny Army

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Associated Press has learned that Pentagon leaders are finalizing plans aimed at lifting the ban on transgender individuals serving in the military. Senior U.S. officials say an announcement is expected this week. They say the military … Continue reading

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This Is What Change Looks Like

Drudge: VIDEO: Trans ‘INSIDE EDITION’ reporter Zoey Tur threatens to send pundit Ben Shapiro ‘home in ambulance’ during televised panel… Grabs him by neck…

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Going All Out On World War T

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I used to think that World War T didn’t have much potential. I mean, very few people are trans, and of those who are, most are repulsive. I always thought that they couldn’t produce enough … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Passion Star, a transgender inmate at the Barry B. Telford prison complex in New Boston, Tex., has been attacked repeatedly.’

You could knock me over with a feather. I’m shocked that black prison males aren’t down with transexual rights. I thought a black prison would be the best place in the world to come out. I blame white racism. When … Continue reading

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Transgender Jews: Beyond the Rainbow

Jewish Journal: More and more, transgender Jews are introducing themselves to the Jewish world

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