Category Archives: Arabs

WP: The Arab world’s wealthiest nations are doing next to nothing for Syria’s refugees

There’s almost nothing in the MSM coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis noting that there are many good reasons for wanting to keep these people out of your country. If you want to know what a people are like, look … Continue reading

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The Two Deviations IQ Gap Between Israel And The Arabs

From Late Empire: To illustrate the collective intellectual dystopia that are the Arab countries, the country of Greece (11 million people) translated five times more books into Greek in 2009 than did the entire Arab world combined (population of 367 … Continue reading

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Cooper: World’s silent acquiescence of Palestinian Jew-hatred is helping to destroy any chance for peace

Rabbi Abraham Cooper writes: At a graduation ceremony of a kindergarten, sponsored by a women’s charity organization in the West Bank town of Anabta, preschoolers wearing uniforms and carrying toy guns performed a song routine. A picture of PLO founder, … Continue reading

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Arabs Defend Their Culture, Even In The Airport

Chaim Amalek: “You cannot help but respect them for this.” REPORT: Amman, Jordan – A group of Israeli Hassidim are being accused of carrying out a “ritual Talmudic dance” on Tuesday morning while waiting to board their plane in Queen … Continue reading

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Healthy Muslims Hate Jews?

A healthy Muslim, Arab, Palestinian is going to dislike, perhaps even hate, Jews because there is a Jewish state in a land he believes belongs to his people, and because this tiny Jewish state so vastly outperforms his own countries. … Continue reading

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