Category Archives: Arabs

Dennis Prager: Moral people cannot support the Palestinians

Palestinians, like other Arabs, have an average group IQ no higher than 85. Their behavior is pretty normal for Arabs, for Muslims, and for that low level of average IQ. You can only have prosperity when you have an average … Continue reading

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All Social Networks Are Jewish?

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An Arab Goes To A Donald Trump Rally

Anyone who has a hard time reciting the Pledge of Allegiance does not deserve to reside in America. From There’s been a profound cultural shift in the wake of the Paris attacks which has led many in the West … Continue reading

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The Plight Of Christian Arabs

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Sadly, almost no one is particularly interested in the plight of Christian Arabs. I don’t think it takes much analysis to see why Obama’s lack of interest in Christian Arabs is not much different from … Continue reading

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Transgender Israeli Arab Wins Historic Tel Aviv Pageant

Another reason to support Israel! Or not. I mean, would it bother you if your son or daughter married a transgendered person? And if so, why would it bother you? A friend says: “I actually think that is the question … Continue reading

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