Category Archives: Arabs

R. Meir Kahane’s Final Book: Revolution Or Referendum

I searched, the website of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, for “Kahane” and found no results. Rabbi Kahane wrote: “There must be a police station in every Israeli Arab village if growing Arab nationalism is to be effectively countered.” These … Continue reading

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Kevin Spacey Loves His Arab Youths

It’s heartwarming to see his charity towards underprivileged Arab boys. I am sure Kevin’s Arab hosts are grateful for his patronage and reward him handsomely in whatever manner he wishes ala Lawrence of Arabia. REPORT: Kevin Spacey couldn’t make it … Continue reading

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How Women Whore Themselves Out To Arabs On Instagram

From Return of Kings: Have you ever wondered how popular Instagram models can afford their lavish lifestyles? All of them post selfies in which they’re showing off expensive sports cars or vacationing in exotic locales, yet they all work low-paid … Continue reading

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They Must Go

Rabbi Meir Kahane writes in his book They Must Go: The analysis and proposed transfer of Arabs from Israel that I have set down are not personal views. They are certainly not political ones. This is the Jewish outlook, based … Continue reading

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Jews Protest Miscegenation

I wonder if other groups, such as whites, should follow the Jewish lead in protesting race mixing? Right-wing Jews protest at the wedding of a son of Muslims and a daughter of Jews in Rishon Letzion, Israel, on 17 August … Continue reading

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