Category Archives: Nationalism

The Hijacking of American Nationalism

Paul Gottfried writes: Now, a conference on “conservative nationalism,” which will take place in Washington in July, may be pushing a “nationalism” that is at least as adaptable as Judis’s. One featured speaker, Claire Lehmann, the founder of Quillette, will … Continue reading

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Clarity About Nationalism

Dennis Prager writes: In order to make arguments for nationalism, we have to define it. The first definition in Merriam-Webster is “loyalty and devotion to a nation.” But in a second paragraph, it adds, “especially: a sense of national consciousness … Continue reading

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Peter Brimelow, Patrick Casey Clash With Yoram Hazony On Nationalism

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LAT: White supremacism in Australia, long a virulent strain, is amplified by the Internet

Robyn Dixon writes: Australian far-right extremists often call themselves NEET — not in employment, education or training — and condemn “ruthless elites” and intellectuals. Many of them blame Jews for non-white immigration. One Melbourne-based group known as the Dingoes runs … Continue reading

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‘The Virtue of Nationalism’ by Yoram Hazony

The weakest part of the book is its lack of awareness of group differences. The countries created by Anglo-Saxons, for example, could not have been created by other peoples and cannot be sustained by radically different peoples. The kind of … Continue reading

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