Category Archives: Nationalism

ABC: ‘I Call It Natural’: What One White Separatist Claims Would Make a Better America

ABC NEWS: At first glance, Matt Heimbach looks like a friendly neighbor, an always-smiling, 22-year-old college graduate who goes to church, and loves country music and drinking beer with his buddies. But Heimbach is a white separatist who believes that … Continue reading

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The Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project Read more: The Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project

Here are transcripts of the speeches at this 2013 conference at Ben Gurion University in Israel. Dr. Sharon Pardo, Director Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society, gave welcoming remarks: Last year when we discussed Europe Day, we … Continue reading

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Matthew Heimbach – Banned In Britain

The white nationalist tweets: I am now banned from England for being a nationalist while 10ks of radical Muslims are welcomed. #EnglandYoureDrunk Jessica Elgot, Guardian, November 4, 2015 Theresa May has banned a US southern nationalist who has advocated racial … Continue reading

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White Nationalists Gather In Washington

From SPLC: The white nationalist National Policy Institute (NPI) conference in Washington, D.C, this past weekend had a familiar lineup of speakers, but NPI head Richard Spencer’s event turned out to be far different from your average radical right gathering. … Continue reading

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Israel Restores Nationalism

Brett Stevens writes: As I have mentioned before (at least eight years before), Israel will lead the way in restoring Nationalism, which is a world order where boundaries are defined by the simultaneous shared ethnicity, culture, and values of a … Continue reading

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