Category Archives: Nationalism

Dror Bar-Natan, Soon-To-Be-Canadian, Says Oath To Queen Is ‘Repulsive’

In other words, he hates goyim, their traditions and their countries, but he’s happy to take while the taking is good, and who cares if his behavior leads Jews to being thrown again into a pit of death. I am … Continue reading

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The Case For & Against Semitism

A Jewish friend tells me: I especially liked P.R. Stephensen’s assessment of Anti-Semitism. The more of them I read, the more I understand the ADL’s desire to suppress what they have to say. If looked at dispassionately, it will be … Continue reading

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Could Bowling Leagues and the PTA Breed Nazis?

Comments: Anytime the goyim are talking among themselves, grave danger is afoot. We must know every word that every one of them is saying, and everything that every one of them is doing, without restriction or limit. * Cass Sunstein … Continue reading

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P.R. Stephensen’s ‘Reasoned Case Against Semitism’

As a nationalist, I have an inherent sympathy for all nationalisms. It would be wrong to want something for my people that I would not simultaneously wish for all people. At the same time, I recognize that Gentile nationalisms are … Continue reading

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Mutually Antagonistic Governments Everywhere

Steve Sailer writes: The combination of Third World backwardness—such as lack of education for girls—and Western medicine generates huge surplus populations, who naturally clash over power and resources, with the losers increasingly trying to flood into the advanced West. The … Continue reading

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