Category Archives: Nationalism

France Heads For Civil War

Comments to Steve Sailer: * That Spaniard, Manuel Valls, knows full well that civil war – fought on racial lines – is more or less inevitable to occur on the territory occupied by European France, at some in determinant time … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s Shock & Awe Campaign

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The liberal reaction to this is either 1) feigning surprise that so many “racists” are lurking in the GOP, or 2) acting like they knew the GOP was full of “racists” all along. Of course … Continue reading

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Jewish Organizations React To Trump’s Proposal To Ban Muslim Immigration

I don’t know a Jew in my personal life who wants more Muslims in Israel or more Muslims in the West. Jewish organizations (though rarely normal Jews) such as the ADL, however, are using Because Holocaust with greater frequency and … Continue reading

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Us Vs Them

Anybody can understand the mentality of “us vs. them.” It’s the most basic divide. The stronger your group identity, the more likely you are to have negative views of outsiders. Nationalism is the most powerful political force in the world. … Continue reading

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Sailer in Taki’s: “Turf Wars: The Problem and the Promise”

Steve Sailer writes in Takimag: That human beings are somewhat territorial animals is a concept that has gone out of intellectual fashion, but it offers useful insights into much of what is in the news. … A common pattern in … Continue reading

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