Category Archives: Nationalism

Ashley Rae Goldenberg: ‘So this was a thing I guess.’

She posts this picture with Alt-Right vlogger Ramzpaul on March 5 from the latest NPI conference: From her Twitter bio: “Ashley Rae Goldenberg, AKA Communism Kills. Jew with an econ degree who works in the media.” She posts about Jewish … Continue reading

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Globalist Vs Nationalist

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Giggling White Nationalists Gloat: Trump Is Encouraging Twitter Racists to Spew Their ‘Pro-White’ Hate

Travis Gettys, Raw Story, March 24, 2016 A pair of white nationalists cackled with glee at the growing popularity of their fringe movement–thanks to social media and Donald Trump. James Edwards, host of the “Political Cesspool” radio program, gloated that … Continue reading

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Nationalism Is Rising Because It Works

Brett Stevens writes: Over at Counter Currents — which has banned me for not discussing the infamous “JQ” ideologically correctly — Guillaume Durocher makes several powerful points in favor of universal nationalism, or every state on earth being nationalistic: It … Continue reading

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The Case For Nationalism

Comments at * The internationalist left and right want to make people who are equally concerned about everyone, whether citizen or not. Someone who sees every human on this earth as equally worthy of concern. This is a noble … Continue reading

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