Category Archives: Nationalism

Identity & Hate

Some people claim to love everybody. That’s not realistic. A healthy person, with any luck, loves his family, friends, relations and community. It’s normal, natural and healthy to prefer the company of those who are similar to you. When I … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Times Calls New York Times Science Writer Nicholas Wade A ‘Racial Provocateur’!

Los Angeles Times: He was convicted of armed robbery and spent a year in county jail and four years in prison for the crime. Damigo said he was embarrassed and guilt-ridden by the robbery. Still, he considers the time alone … Continue reading

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The Jewish Fear Of Populism

Only about 25% of American Jews voted for Donald Trump. A big part of the reason is that Jews instinctively fear gentile populism and nationalism. Jews have usually been ruled by an elite, and the more traditional you go in … Continue reading

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LAT: The ‘alt-right’ splinters as supporters and critics agree it was white supremacy all along

I don’t see why white supremacy is any more dangerous and disgusting than other forms of racial supremacy such as Filipino supremacy, Chinese supremacy, Japanese supremacy, Jewish supremacy, black supremacy, Christian supremacy. Every group with spirit wants as much power … Continue reading

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The Healthy Majority

It’s not easy being a minority. Minorities all over the world have it hard. It is much easier to go through life as part of the majority. A healthy majority culture does not bend to its minorities, as America does. … Continue reading

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