Category Archives: Whites

New Jersey School District Eases Pressure on Students, Baring an Ethnic Divide Between Whites & Asians

Kyle Spencer, New York Times, December 25, 2015: This fall, David Aderhold, the superintendent of a high-achieving school district near Princeton, N.J., sent parents an alarming 16-page letter. The school district, he said, was facing a crisis. Its students were … Continue reading

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Whites & Christmas

Comments: * Asian Americans are like Orthodox Jews/Hasidic Jews and Muslims, in that they do not celebrate Christmas unless they are Catholic Filipinos who were colonized by the Spaniards who brought this yearly European tradition to The Philippines. The vast … Continue reading

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White People Are Horrible. It’s Time For Them To Be Exiled To Their Own Country

From the Chateau: It’s fun pointing out the abject hypocrisy of leftoids and provoking them to ragequit their “””arguments””” mid-brain fart. Not that it does any good — leftoids are invulnerable to appeals to reason or accountability (just like women) … Continue reading

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America’s White Murder Rate Is About The Same As For Whites Elsewhere

National Review: This brings to mind Matt Yglesias’s recent discussion of the white-on-white murder rate in the U.S., an effort to shed light on what some are calling the “fallacy” of talking about black-on-black crime. Yglesias warns that “white-on-white murder … Continue reading

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WP: How America’s dying white supremacist movement is seizing on Donald Trump’s appeal

Washington Post: The same rhetoric that frightens critics (“Trump has really lifted the lid off a Pandora’s box of real hatred and directed it at Muslims,” said the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Mark Potok) draws praise from supporters such as … Continue reading

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