Category Archives: Whites

Is Sportsmanship An AngloThing?

I’m disgusted at all the flopping about in the World Cup, not just among South Americans but also among Europeans such as the Dutch. The Americans and the British flop a lot less because they have these quaint Anglo-Saxon ideals … Continue reading

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White Guys Most Responsive To Reporter

NPR’s Education Team tweets: “I reach out to diverse sources on deadline. Only the white guys get back to me :(” In my experience, whites are the most timely and responsive of any racial groups I know. They are more … Continue reading

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Americans Rediscovering Their Ethnic Identity

Growing up white in America, I saw that white people felt little automatic bond to their fellow whites. Instead, they connected over shared ideology. If your neighbor shared your religious or political views, he was your brother, but if he … Continue reading

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Are Most Mass-Murderers White?

Selwyn Duke writes: Aside from attacks on the Second Amendment, there is a certain theme that’s now repeated after every massacre committed by an unhinged individual: that most all mass killers are white. After the recent Elliot Rodger murders, for … Continue reading

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The Case For National Self-Interest

I’m in Australia May 27 to June 13. The country has changed since I last lived here in 1985. It has become much more politically correct. In my six days in Australia this trip, most of it in regional Australia, … Continue reading

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